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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

All content on this website is created by Purple Fame team members and is therefore property of Purple Fame, unless specified otherwise.
Following content is not our property and credits to go to the owners of the material:

  • Belgian Club logo's are obtained via the RSCA website, together with the player pictures. All credits to them for the beautiful pictures.
  • Stadion pictures are retrieved via Google and remain property from their respective creators. We are looking for our own stadium pictures, but Belgian law prohibits us from doing this.

X, Google, Facebook

When using any of our login methods, we do not store any information of your account except a cookie which registers that you are logged in. You may see the platform asking for more permissions, but this is due to the login process, we won't store any information of you or your account.
Exception is when you participate in our game score prediction or create a line-up: In this case we will store your unique user id and display name in order to know who made which prediction or line-up and keep rankings. No other data, like for example e-mail information or data regarding posts, pictures,... will be stored.

Related technologie

  • Bootstrap helps us in creating the lay-out of our website for all devices
  • JQuery assists us in some smaller JavaScript functionalities
  • Interact.js is a great tool with Drag&Drop features, enabling touch devices as well.

Data deletion

If you want to delete your data, please contact us via X and provide us with your account details you wish to delete.


Kies je favoriet platform om mee aan te melden.

Bewaren van gegevens.

Enkel bij het meespelen met onze pronostiek of gebruik van de line-up tool, bewaren we je unieke id en weergavenaam om de koppeling te leggen.